2025-2-RPR Series - Property and Market Research
Wednesday, February 5, 2025 (11:00 AM - 12:00 PM) (CST)
Searching for properties for your buyers and helping them prepare an offer requires an intricate knowledge of their needs and current market conditions. Working with sellers to understand current pricing trends requires an in-depth knowledge of the changing market dynamics. Whether you’re helping clients find the right property, working to prepare an offer, or meeting with sellers to properly price a listing, RPR has the tools to help. This class will explain the importance of making the most of RPR’s advanced searching tools.
Disclaimer: Educational content provided by instructors is intended for informational purposes only and may not reflect the views or endorsements of EMTAR or your firm. Real estate professionals are encouraged to assess all suggested practices carefully, refer to their office policies, and exercise due diligence. EMTAR assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or application of the information presented. By registering for or attending this class, you acknowledge and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
The webinar is hosted by RPR online. EMTAR will not be able to help you with any technical issues you may experience (if any).