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Awards of Excellence Application

Rules for the
Eastern Middle TN. ASSN. of REALTORS®


The Awards of Excellence, is a volunteer service provided to its members by Eastern Middle TN. Assn. of REALTORS® for the purpose of honoring the members who achieve certain and specific standards of qualification. It is not a contest with winners and losers but rather an opportunity to recognize those whose qualified Real Estate Sales/Leases place them in the top percentage of qualified REALTORS®. Eastern Middle TN. Association of REALTORS® reserves the right to exercise its discretion in determining whether a nominee qualifies. The decision of the Awards of Excellence Committee is final, however the ultimate responsibility of verifying applications lies with the managing broker.


1.1 Any REALTOR® licensed as an affiliate broker or broker and is a member of the Eastern Middle TN. Assn. Of REALTORS® is eligible (primary and secondary)


2.1 In order to qualify for the SILVER Awards of Excellence, a nominee must have a gross volume of $1,250,000 or more in qualified sales and or leases during the applicable calendar year.

2.2 In order to qualify for the GOLD Awards of Excellence, a nominee must have gross volume $2,500,000 or more in qualified sales and or leases during the applicable calendar year.

2.3 In order to qualify for the PLATINUM Awards of Excellence, a nominee must have a gross volume of $5,000,000 or more in qualified sales and or leases during the applicable calendar year.

2.4 In order to qualify for the DIAMOND Awards of Excellence, a nominee must have a gross volume of $10,000,000 or more in qualified sales and or leases during the applicable calendar year.

2.5 In order to qualify for the SAPHIRE Awards of Excellence, a nominee must have a gross volume of $20,000,000 or more in qualified sales and or leases during the applicable calendar year.

2.6 Life Member: The life member status is available to an eligible person who has received the Awards of Excellence for five consecutive years.

2.7 Decade Member: The decade member status is available to an eligible person who has received the Awards of Excellence for 10 consecutive years.


3.1 In order to be considered for the award each eligible person must be nominated by his/her broker. The nomination must be in proper form, fully completed, submitted online and signed by the broker.

3.2 An application fee of $100.00 must accompany each application.

3.3 The deadline is January 15, 2025. The deadline is absolute and will not be extended regardless of the circumstances.


4.1 In order to process the forms with the volunteer committee in the limited time available, it is necessary that materials submitted be done correctly. Anyone not following instructions assumes the risk that they will not be included within those receiving the awards. Be sure you understand and comply with the following rules.

4.2 All forms must be either computer generated from RealTracs, personal computer or typewritten and filled out correctly and completely.

4.3 Cover Sheet must be completed.


5.1 The information as to each sale MUST include the MLS number, if available.

5.2 If an MLS number is NOT available OR if the MLS information is NOT correct or consistent with information submitted, The Nominee MUST submit Document named “NON-MLS FORM” and the closing statement for each NON-MLS transaction.

5.3 The nominee shall be responsible for checking the MLS productivity report to be sure comparable information is correct. Productivity reports which are not correct, should be corrected prior to deadline.

5.4 All lease transactions MUST be documented

5.5 Auctions: the gross sale of REAL PROPERTY shall be the total amount considered for the


6.1 Only “CLOSED SALES” which have been closed during the applicable calendar year with a commission paid or note taken for commission, will be considered.

6.2 REFERRALS: a referral fee is not a commission, however it is compensation for providing Realtor service and the necessary information, which results in a sale. 25% of the sales price of the referred transaction will be allowed toward qualifying for the Awards of Excellence. A form will be provided for the purpose of reporting referral closings.

6.3 OWNER/AGENT TRANSACTIONS will not be allowed unless the agent’s broker receives a commission.

6.4 LEASES will be considered ONLY IN THE YEAR in which the lease commences. All parties and the lease in full force and effect must have signed it. Leases will be counted by multiplying the monthly lease amount times 12 (months in a year).

6.5 LEASE OPTIONS are NOT eligible for inclusion until they have been exercised and in full force and effect. They are counted only in the year that the option was activated as a lease.


7.1 Each nomination will be subject to review by the Awards of Excellence Committee for verification. Any transaction not reported in proper form, MAY BE REJECTED. The committee shall have the right, but not the obligation, to request from a nominee, or nominee’s broker, additional information to verify satisfactorily a transaction, which is to be considered.

7.2 To IMPROPERLY give or receive credit for a transaction, or to falsify information is a VIOLATION of the Rules. Nomination form will be turned over to the Board of Directors.


8.1 There will be a special awards banquet scheduled February 22, 2025 to honor the Awards of Excellence recipients.

Fields marked with an * are required.

Please verify that you have checked the “I'm not a robot” checkbox.

Awards Recipient Information

Please enter your full name (First Middle Last)

Please select the appropriate level from the dropdown menu.

Silver:  $1,250,000 - $2,499,000
Gold:  $2,500,000 - $4,999,999
Platinum:  $5,000,000 - $9,999,999
Diamond:  $10,000,000 - $19,999,999
Sapphire:  $20,000,000+

Please specify the total of all your sales, which you will attach to this submitted form.

Nominee's Certification

By checking this box, I certify that the attached records of my sales in the year 2024 are accurate and correct.

I agree

Required Forms
Broker's Certification of Sales, NON-MLS Transactions, and Referral Transaction Form to be completed and submitted here.

Please upload your 2024 Agent Productivity Report from Realtracs. 

To pull this report:
1. Sign in to Realtracs.
2. Click Analytics, then Office Analytics.
3. Set the date range to 01/01/2024-12/31/2024.
4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select your highlighted name to access your productivity report.
5. Download your report using the button in the upper right hand corner.

20MB max

Please upload the required documents completed and signed by your Principal Broker.

If you have not yet downloaded these forms to be signed by your Principal Broker, click here to download the required forms and upload them upon completion.

20MB max
Attendance and Fees

Please indicate below whether or not you will be attending the 2024 Awards of Excellence ceremony.

Where: Sonesta Nashville Airport
             600 Marriott Dr, Nashville, TN 37214
When:  February 22, 2025



Guest registration is $60 per guest. 

Please include your guest(s) name and email address for reminder emails.

By checking this box, I authorize the Eastern Middle TN Association of REALTORS® to apply a $100.00 Application Fee1 to my account, as well as $60.00 for each guest I have added to my RSVP2.

1. I understand that Awards Application Fees are non-refundable. The $100.00 fee includes processing of the application, award, and dinner for the applicant.
2. I understand that the deadline for RSVPs, including edits to guest RSVPs, is February 7th. After February 7th, no refunds will be administered for edits to guest RSVPs.

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